Vade Mecum Medicina E Odontologia Legal

Vade Mecum Medicina E Odontologia Legal

Physico-chemical lesions: suffocation1. Introduction2. Classification of asphyxiation3. Forensic classification of asphyxiation3.1. Asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen supply (s: asphyxiation by absorption, mechanical asphyxiation or anoxic anoxia)3.1.1. External3.1.2. Internal3.2. Asphyxiation due to reduced transport of oxygen in the blood (sin: transport asphyxiation or anemic anoxia)3.3. Asphyxia suffocation due to reduced circulatory oxygen (sin: release suffocation disorders)3.4. Asphyxiation due to reduced hydrosular oxygen (sin: using asphyxiation or histotoxic anoxia)4. Pathophysiology of asphyxiation4.1. Mechanical suffocation4.2.

Gaseous asphyxiation5. General pathological signs of asphyxiation5.1. External signals5.2. Internal signals6. Particular pathological signs of asphyxiation6.1. Suffocation on slopes6.2. Asphyxiation of Esganadura6.3. Choking by strangulation6.4.

Suffocation6.5. Suffocation by suffocation or suffocation6.6. Asphyxia by thoraco-abdominal compression6.7. Asphyxiation by burial or burial6.8. Suffocation6.8.1. With immediate rescue6.8.2. With medium rescue (up to 8 days)6.8.3. In case of delayed rescue (up to 20 days)6.8.4. In case of very late rescue (up to 2 months or more)6.9. Suffocation of captivity6.10. Gasasphyxiation7. Suggestions Expert evidence1.

Parameters2. Classification3. Subject of forensic expertise4. Content of the Infortunística Criminal Forum and Occupational Dentistry1. Concept2. Stigma of certain professions2.1. Mechanical action2.2. Thermal effect2.3. Chemical action3. Accident at work (type of accident)4. Occupational disease5.

Occupational disease6. Travel accident (travel accident or accident “in itinere”)6.1. Characterization6.2. Advantages7. Quesitos para Accident Work in Dentistry This book fills a gap in the practical field of legal practitioners, doctors and dentists when they are called upon to assist the judiciary. Given the progress of the current state of the art, the evolution of procedures and modern jurisprudential orientation, this 3rd edition contained novelties. Coroners and dental coroners are required, in their respective fields, as technical members of the criminal police, to know what, how and where to search the facts concerning the bodies they examine. And the state reacts guiltfully when the official Vestor stops seeing, does not register or provide the information that is part of its official duty. The extensive content of the topic has been simplified to make it useful, easy to consult, memorize and not study. Most practical chapters contain suggestions for preparing questions, a task that is sometimes somewhat complex for legislators. Therefore, in addition to subdividing the content according to the most dynamic topics in the fields, it was interesting to include bioethical concepts – which should guide the expert in everyday life – and the concepts of medical audit and dental audit, which complement the evaluation of cases and the assignment of responsibilities.

I hope that this text “vade ecum”! Identification: general principles1. Introduction2. Concepts3. Technical requirements4. Forensic identification Dental identification1. Individuality2. Innate elements3. Stigma due to personal professions and habits3.1. Mechanical action3.2. Chemical action3.3.

Pathological stigmas4. Dental trauma5. Fetal and infantile pathologies6. Dental treatments The body examination of the crime thriller1. Crimes2. Documentary evidence and forensic method2.1. Value of medical records2.2. Legal certainty2.3. Forensic evidence of infanticide1. Concept2. Legislation2.1. Criminal Code2.1.1.

Kill2.1.2. Under the influence of the puerperium2.1.3. The son himself2.1.4. During or shortly after childbirth.3 Medical and legal expertise in the field of infanticide3.1. Forensic science for children3.2. Vital reaction3.3. Macroscopic signals3.3.1. Bleeding3.3.2.

Blood coagulation3.3.3. Tissue retraction3.3.4. Inflammatory response3.3.5. Ship`s reaction3.3.6. Miscellaneous3.3.7. Milk in the stomach of the newborn3.3.8. Inflammation in the periumbilical region3.3.9. Air in the lungs of the newborn3.3.10.

Serosoblood bossa or “tumour at birth”3.3.11. Breathability3.4. Other documents3.5. Mutter3.6 expertise. Violent death of the newborn4. Forensic Obstetrics Records1. Concept2. Pregnancy2.1. Diagnosis of pregnancy3.

Abortion3.1. Legal abortion3.1.1. Therapeutic abortion3.1.2. Sentimental abortion3.2. Criminal abortion3.2.1. Forensic concept of abortion3.2.2. Forensic expertise in abortion cases3.2.2.1. In vivo patient expertise Post-mortem forensics of patients Competence in concepto4.

Parto4.1. Biology of birth4.2. Birth mechanism4.3. Expulsion of the placenta (alumbramento, discharge, discharge, secondary)4.3.1. Live birth4.3.2. Fetal death5. Puerperium5.1. Expertise in childbirth and the puerperium5.1.1. Presence of birth and rebirth5.1.2. Antiquity at birth5.1.3. Laboratory evidence6.

Expertise in forensic dentistry1. Dental record for forensic identification2. Dental part numbering systems3. Graphs4. Special Features Section5. Form of dental findings6. Specificities of dental expertise7. Aesthetic, phonetic and chewing value of teethIDENTIFICATION Poisons and poisonings1. Concept2. Legal scope3. Variants of the toxic effect4.

Classification of poisons5. General effect of poisons6. Forensics for poisoning7. Necropsy of poisoned or poisoned persons7.1. Prenepsy behavior7.2. Necropsy7.2.1. External audit7.2.2. Internal audit7.2.3. Toxicity test equipment7.2.4. Material for histological examinationFORENSIC PSYCHOPATHOLOGY The legal causality of death (murder, suicide or accident)1. The crime scene2.

Form of presentation of the corpse3. The instrument used4. Signs of violence on the corpse5. Characteristics of injuries6. Place of injury7. Number of wounded8. Variety of injuries9. Injury Directorate.10 Defensive injuries11. Cadaveric spasm12. Weapon identification13. Questioning of the accused.14 A sinoptic image of the legal diagnoses of the “causa mortis”INFORTUNÍSTICA Magalu guarantees their purchase, from order to delivery. Read more Ethyl alcohol and alcohol poisoning1.

Introduction2. The origin of alcohol3. Alcohol consumption3.1. Acute alcoholic drunkenness3.1.1. Stages of drunkenness3.1.2. Clinical trial3.1.3. Effects of alcohol3.2. Chronic alcoholic drunkenness3.2.1.

Concept3.2.2. Clinical trial4. The alcohol test5. False positive results with the breathalyzer6. Post-mortem variations in alcohol6.1. Loss of alcohol6.2. Alcohol gain6.3. Sample retention7. Minimum classification of types of death1. Introduction1.1. Reality1.1.1.

Real death1.1.2. Apparent death1.2. As for speed1.2.1. Quick death1.2.2. Slow death1.3. The cause1.3.1. Natural death1.3.2. Violent death1.3.3. Doubtful death: sudden death1.3.4.

Doubtful death: death without help1.3.5. Suspicious death: Suspicious death Forensic psychopathology expertise1. Introduction2. Capacity of rights2.1. Civil capacity 2.2. Criminal liability 3. Accountability4. Prohibition5. Modification of the factors of criminal liability and civil capacity6. Forensic psychiatric examination6.1. Concept6.2. Applications6.3.

Date of the expert`s intervention6.4. Results6.4.1. In the field of criminal justice6.4.2. In the field of civil justice6.5. Arrangements for psychiatric expertise6.5.1. Criminal law6.5.2. Civil law6.5.3. Labour law6.5.4. Administrative law7. Expertise8.

Forensic and psychiatric report.9 Suggested quesitos9.1.

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