Webster`s Definition of a Favorite

Webster`s Definition of a Favorite

I read books that often contain unusual or at least not popular words. I used to write them down and look them up in my physical dictionary or encyclopedia at the end of the day. Now I have one in my pocket that is constantly updated (my physical dictionary is from the early 1990s and encyclopedias my grandfather gave me before he died when I was ten – I have 30 now. New things are there, new ideas, new ELEMENTS. And since I`m a writer and hate to reuse a word too often in an essay, journal, or story, the thesaurus is a great and handy tool that`s a nice little addition. Also, my family and I are trying to find other definitions for the “word of the day.” The funniest or most outrageous victories. Try! It`s great! Especially if you don`t know at all what the word means! If you`re writing a story like me and you need someone with the rank of mayor, but in a tribal setting, the thesaurus can actually give you the word you`re looking for. I typed “lord” into the thesaurus and it gave me “nawab” and “nawab” two Urdu words for a local Muslim governor in the Mughal Empire (a mixture of governor, lord, tax collector and sheriff). If my story develops in a Muslim-type country, I can make sure that the provinces have “Nababs” – because now I know that word! That being said, we can look at the spelling of the favorite when the word began to appear in the language in the early 17th century, and see some patterns appear. A look at the Early English Books Online corpus, which brings together works from the 1470s to 1690s, shows that the word rose to prominence in the 1630s, with a favorite being slightly more common but also popular.

(Favorite and Favoritit were also used, but were never more than both.) But from the 1650s, the favorite begins to lose favor, and in the 1680s, the favorite is the definitive, uh, favorite. British usage continues in this direction: Favorit has always been preferred. But in American English, both spellings struggled a bit, with the dominant favorite in the 18th and early 19th centuries. I`m still in school, so something like a portable dictionary can be very handy. While I don`t pay for the premium, so I can`t search for everything (especially names), it`s still very useful. Sometimes I hear this strange word on TV or I see it in a novel I read and I wonder what it is. Sometimes I`m in school and something asks me the exact definition of a word. Instead, he`s walking in my basement flipping through gigantic, long, bleeding pages for ages, I turn to my charging phone behind me and turn on this app.

I`m also a bit of a writer, so the thesaurus is REALLY useful if you`re looking for the right word that fits your story and writing style. I also love quizzes – they`re really unique and honestly teach me words. It`s an enticing little piece of the Quissitive app. I can`t wait until next week comes out. It`s also very easy to navigate, and everything is clear and concise – so if you`re not sure you want to use a confusing electronic dictionary, it doesn`t matter. Webster is only a few clicks away and you`re at your definitions, and another easy-to-see button takes you to the thesaurus. Creating an account is also easy! Great application overall; It helped me a lot in school, writing and my efforts to expand my vocabulary. Thank you, Merriam Webster! Nothing wrong here on my part. We all have favorites. Although some of us have favorites. Wait, are they the same? Why, they are.

These are two ways of spelling the same word. Get America`s most useful and respected dictionary, optimized for your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. It is the best iOS app for English references, education, and vocabulary building. And now we`ve added new puns! Learning new words and testing your vocabulary for everyone from English learners to word nerds has never been so much fun. Hundreds of words to test your skills. Offline access: You have full access to definitions, whether you are logged in or not.

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