Recall Legal Term Definition

Recall Legal Term Definition

Impeachment is the resignation of an elected official by a vote of the voters. Some state constitutions prescribe the procedure to be followed when recalling – for example, filing a petition containing the signatures of a number of eligible voters. Right or procedure by which a public official may be removed from office by popular vote before the expiration of his or her term of office. 1. Remember what was heard, seen. See also: Recall test. 2. Removal of contaminated or defective goods by the manufacturer, either voluntarily or under duress from a supervisory authority. 3.

Setting aside a judgment on a question of fact or law. A term that means to set aside or set aside a court judgment on the basis of a question of fact. Supported by Black`s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd ed., and The Law Dictionary. AS A REMINDER: INTERNATIONAL LAW. Deprive a minister of his duties; to replace it. : a call for the return [To workers] 2: the right or procedure by which a civil servant can be dismissed by popular vote [a petition] 3: the act of withdrawal 4: a public call by a manufacturer to return a defective or, in particular, dangerous product Recall [ri-kȯl] vt.

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