How to Spell Legal Judgement

How to Spell Legal Judgement

Since judgment is more common and is the only acceptable spelling in American English, it is best to stick to this version of the spelling of the word. Finally, it can refer to an official legal decision (such as a judge`s decision): although “judgment” is a variant of the spelling in British and Australian English, it is less common for everyday meanings of this word (i.e. a decision or the ability to make one) than “judgment” (with the “e” added). So if we were writing for a British or Australian audience, we would normally write: Should I use judgment or judgment? Which of these two alternative spellings you use depends on where you write or who you write for. 4. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “judgment” was the dominant spelling in British English in general from the late 1600s to the 1800s and remains the dominant spelling when it comes to court decisions: however, things are changing. The Oxford and Collins dictionaries both list the two spellings as interchangeable, while the Guardian, Times and Telegraph prefer the verdict in all cases. In short, the verdict with an “e” seems more outdated by the day. The two alternative spellings have no significant differences in usage, except for the fact that British English allows both spellings, while American English only allows judgment.

To learn the difference between these spellings and when to use the word “judgment” instead, check out our guide below. The judgment also has legal definitions and refers to “a judicial decision of a judge or court” or “the obligation, in particular a debt, arising from a judicial decision”. A judge renders a judgment to a creditor who must recover money from a debtor. For example, a court may also render a judgment for or against a defendant. 3. In British English, “judgment” still predominates, but not as much – in recent years, “judgment” has been just under twice as common as “judgment”: in American English, “judgment” is the standard spelling in all contexts. However, if you`re writing for an audience outside of North America, remember: a few days ago, I wrote about a document sent to Google that claimed to be the “judgment entry” of a court — but the judge, when I contacted him, told me that this had never happened. (The person who apparently sent the document to Google claims that the document was just a suggestion on his part, but that`s not how it was worded when it was sent.) Be prepared: There are two spellings for judgment/judgment. In short, you can`t go wrong with “judgment.” The addition of the extra “e” is a no-no in all U.S. court cases and legal documents, and even goes against U.S. dictionaries.

However, the long version is also accepted as a standard in non-legal drafting. Shakespeare used only one “e” in “The Merchant of Venice,” but “judgment” in “First Folio.” I guess if you are not in the legal profession, you can use your own judgment in this case. As you can see in the examples above, “judgment” is the correct spelling in American English, regardless of the context. This makes it easy to spell! Unfortunately, this becomes a bit more confusing outside the US. Many believe that the difference between judgment and judgment is that the long version is the British spelling, while the shorter version is the American convention. While some claim that Noah Webster first recorded the spelling of judgment in his 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, both sides of the pond have been using spelling judgment since the late 1600s. It`s exactly the same as American English, which makes things easier! However, keep in mind that this only applies to court decisions. In other situations, the standard spelling outside of North America is “judgment”. Judgment is a noun that signifies the decision of a judge or court or an objectively or subjectively formed opinion. This spelling is appropriate in both American and British English.

It is also the only acceptable spelling in American English. When someone learns English in India, they are taught the British spelling of those words. If they learn in America, they will learn the American version. Many of these differences were the result of a time when spelling standards were not yet developed. When Samuel Johnson`s “A Dictionary of the English Language” was published in 1755, a “British standard” began to appear. An “American standard” developed similarly with the publication of Noah Webster`s “An American Dictionary of the English Language.” Webster tried to establish spelling reforms and standards that reinforced the difference between so many English and British spellings. His reforms were effective in America but were not well received in Britain. Pay no attention to the myth spread on the internet that judgment is the original spelling and that judgment is a 19th century American invention.

This is simply not true, as evidenced by a wealth of readily available evidence that anyone can consult online. This then led to a discussion in the comments about whether the spelling “judgment” was a gift because “judgment” was the standard form. And this led to the following from one commentator: While “judgment” with the extra “e” has had its ups and downs in popularity in British secular society, “judgment” remains the preferred spelling in British courts and judicial proceedings. This occupational difference has had an impact on use in the United States (“useage” in the United Kingdom). Most lawyers and courts spell it “judgment,” while the spelling “judgment” can be found in many important places, including the New York Times. It appears without the extra “e” in most printed works, but the double “e” judgment can be found throughout society. Conversely, when the famous British lexicographer H. W. Fowler wrote his book on the use of words, the single-e version of the judgment was used by a variety of British writers.

Fowler always prefers “judgment.” At Proofed, we are often asked if “judgment” or “judgment” is the correct spelling. The simple answer is that you should always use “judgment” in American English. But this is not the case outside North America. Although the verdict (with an e) gained popularity and fell into British English, judgment remains the preferred spelling in British court proceedings and appears more frequently in writing. Today, judgment is an accepted spelling in British English. But if you abide by the verdict, you won`t be convicted in the UK or the US. In American English, judgment is generally considered a misspelling of judgment for all uses of the word, regardless of individual preference. In popular British usage, the verdict has traditionally been the preferred form, but the verdict has gained traction over the past few centuries and is now almost as common as the verdict. When it comes to legal contexts, English reference sources say different things. Most seem to agree that judgment is preferred in legal contexts, even in British English, and some say that American English and British English differ in their strict legal sense of judgment.

Bryan Garner says in his Modern American Usage that in American English, the decision refers to “the final decisive act of a court in defining the rights of the parties”, while in British English, the word refers to a judicial opinion. We find nothing that contradicts this, although there are many English reference sources that do not mention any legal/non-legal distinction or an American-British distinction. The English language is a fascinating subject with a rich and confusing history. It is spoken by nearly 1 billion people worldwide, making it the second most spoken language, surpassing only Mandarin (1.2 billion). It is the official language of nearly 100 countries, excluding the United States, which do not have an “official language”. It is constantly expanding, with over 4,000 new words added to the dictionary every day. America is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world, which is why we have a lot of confusion about how certain words are pronounced or spelled. Well, yes and no. It is true that there is only one spelling in the United States: judgment. Elsewhere, it`s not that simple.

In Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Britain, both spellings exist – and are traditionally used for slightly different purposes. The exception to this rule is legal drafting, where “judgment” is the norm. If you refer to the law in the UK or Australia, you would write: When to use judgment: Judgment has the same meaning and grammatical rules as judgment. The only difference is the spelling and the fact that the judgment is an acceptable alternative spelling in British English but not in American English. The word “judgment” is also the one that has a different spelling in America than in England. The British kept the extra “e” while America got rid of it. Therefore, the traditionally accepted correct American spelling is “judgment”, while the British still accept and use the spelling “judgment”. But that`s not the end of the story. And if you need more help with spelling or an element of your letter, why not submit a proofreading document today? The word “judgment” joins a long list of words shared between the United States and our homeland, Great Britain.

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