Formato De La Matriz Legal De Una Empresa

Formato De La Matriz Legal De Una Empresa

You already know our philosophy, we strive to expand and support the community of responsible professionals and management system implementers. At ATCAL, we have assembled a group of professionals who update the legal matrices daily so that you do not waste time researching, analyzing and interpreting and have our support at all times. I invite you to learn what we have prepared for you and that you are part of this community specially designed for professionals like you: in some companies, it is considered important to take all the details of the revisions made to the document and add a sheet with the history of the changes, in which they contain: Given the need to regularly update the matrix, the date of the update and the name of the person who was last updated should be included in the information contained in the document. Some managers also specify the date the document was created. Every company must comply with legal regulations and to publish these standards, you must have a document called the Legal Requirements Matrix, which contains all the standards of the SG-OHS Occupational Health and Safety Management System. The definition of the legal matrix can be found in Decree 1072 of 2015 in Article where the legal matrix is defined as follows: As already mentioned, national, departmental, local, economic, business sector and technical standards, as well as mandatory regulations in SG SST and environmental must be identified. The legal matrix should start with a header containing the company identification and document. These fields may vary depending on the company`s document management system. It is a document that reflects all the regulations that a company such as MSMEs must comply with by law, so they must contain evidence by activities that ensure compliance with these regulations. Since this is part of the obligations of employers, where they must identify the applicable national regulations, as well as allow better monitoring and control of compliance with the applicable regulations, it is therefore important to emphasize according to which standards the matrix of legal requirements must be made: Become a member of GESTIONARTE: The art of management systems, and grow your micro, small or medium business. Regularly update the Legal Requirements Matrix (MRL) in the following cases: As a special “tip” to successfully implement the Legal Requirements Matrix, we remind you that each time a standard is created, you classify it according to risk, address it and include in the action plan the activities to be developed to comply with it; Look for a mechanism that allows you to verify its application and traceability to determine with the developed action which standards you respect.

The format of a company`s legal matrix is an ordered set of rules (resolutions, decrees, laws, etc.) organized into rows and columns. Beyond the criteria for developing a matrix of legal requirements for the SG-OHS, this article details each of the columns that must be included in the matrix file. In some cases, it may include the position responsible for regulatory compliance, this is mainly used in large companies where each activity is carried out by a different role. In the case of micro-enterprises, this field is not required if the manager or owner is responsible for all activities. Note that the following steps for implementing the document are general, once the matrix is put online, you will find that you need to update it before it is re-evaluated, or that communication must take place after the update and evaluation. If many people update the document, this information may eventually become relevant, but in the case of micro-enterprises, where there is usually only one person editing the file, it would not be necessary to make such a detailed description, which is recommended to save the versions before making significant changes. â24. Legal matrix: This is the compilation of regulatory requirements required by the company according to its own activities and inherent to its production activity, which give the regulatory and technical©guidelines for the development of the occupational health and safety management system (OHS-SG), which must be updated when new applicable regulations are published. These legal rules and obligations are moderated by various mechanisms aimed at ensuring that a company ensures compliance with occupational safety and health regulations by proving its activities.

There is no technical©guide that sets the format of a company`s legal matrix, so that anyone responsible for the OHS-SG can make any adjustments or changes they deem appropriate. `Article 13 Retention of documents. The employer must keep records and documents supporting the OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SG-OHS in a controlled manner and ensure that they are legible, easily identifiable and accessible. Protected against damage. Deterioration or loss. The employer may need to develop and adhere to a system for filing or retaining records in accordance with applicable regulations and company policies. A company`s matrix of legal requirements can have as many lines as needed. In some companies, one line is used for each standard and in a single box all the articles to be completed are written.

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