Erect Definition Sexually in Hindi

Erect Definition Sexually in Hindi

Penile innervation is both autonomous (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and somatic (sensory and motor). From neurons in the spinal cord and peripheral ganglia, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves fuse into cavernous nerves that enter the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum to influence neurovascular events during erection and detumescence. Somatic nerves are primarily responsible for the sensation and contraction of the bulbocavernous and ischiocavernous muscles. You should only take medication for erection problems if prescribed by a licensed naturopath such as your doctor, specialist nurse or erection specialist. Medicines purchased online may be of poor quality and contain ingredients that are not safe in combination with other medicines you are taking. You may also be uncertain due to other health problems you have. Find out more about medications for erectile dysfunction. If you are concerned that counterfeit medicines have been sold to you, report it to the Therapeutic Goods Administration. If your erection is prolonged (lasts more than 2 hours), seek emergency treatment. Animal studies have identified the medial preoptic region (MPOA) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus and hippocampus as important integration centers for sexual function and penile erection: electrostimulation of this area induces erection and lesions at this site limit copulation.21, 22 Marson et al. injected rabie-like viruses into the rat`s corpus cavernosa and tracked labeled neurons from large pelvic ganglia to neurons in the spinal cord, brainstem and hypothalamus.22 Mallick and colleagues also showed that stimulation of the dorsal nerve of the penis in rats affected the rate of fire of about 80% of neurons in MPOA, but not in other areas of the hypothalamus.23 The efferent pathways of MPOA enter the midbrain bundle of the forebrain and the mental region of the midbrain (near the substantia nigra). Pathological processes in these areas, such as Parkinson`s disease or stroke, are often associated with erectile dysfunction. Axonal tracking in monkeys, cats and rats showed direct projection from hypothalamic nuclei to lumbosacral autonomic dysfunctional erectile centers.

The neurons in these hypothalamic nuclei contain peptidergic neurotransmitters, including oxytocin and vasopressin, which may be involved in penile erection.21 Several brainstem and medullary centers are also involved in sexual function. The A5 catecholamine cell group and locus ceruleus have been shown to provide adrenergic innervation for the hypothalamus, thalamus, neocortex and spinal cord. Projections of the nucleus paragigantocellularis, which allows inhibitory serotonergic innervation, have also been detected in the hypothalamus, limbic system, neocortex and spinal cord. The nucleus of Onuf in the second to fourth sacral spinal segment is the center of somatomotor penile innervation. These nerves migrate through the sacral nerves to the pudendal nerve to innervate the ischiocavernous and bulbocavernosus muscles. The contraction of the ischiocavernous muscles produces the rigid erection phase. Rhythmic contraction of the bulbocavernosus muscle is necessary for ejaculation. In animal experiments, direct innervation of sacral spinal motor neurons by the sympathetic centers of the brainstem (catecholaminergic cell group A5 and locus coeruleus) has been identified.19 This adrenergic innervation of pudendal motor neurons may be involved in rhythmic contractions of perineal muscles during ejaculation. In addition, oxytocinergic and serotonergic innervation of the lumbosacral nuclei controlling penile erection and perineal muscles in male rats has also been demonstrated.20 Since the body`s smooth muscle controls the vascular event leading to erection, a change in the content and ultrastructure of smooth muscle should affect the erectile response.

This clearly implies that the sacred parasympathetic contribution is responsible for tumescence and that the sympathetic path of the Torah is responsible for detumescence. In experiments with cats and rats, removal of the spinal cord below L4 or L5 would have eliminated the instinctive erectile response, but placement in a female under thermal or electrical stimulation of the medial preoptic region resulted in a distinct erection.9, 10 Paick and Lee also reported that apomorphine-induced erection is similar to psychogenic erection in rats and in cases of nervous system injury. Sacral parasympathetic by means of the A thoracolumbar sympathetic pathway can be induced. 11 In humans, many patients with sacral spinal cord injuries maintain psychogenic erectile function even if the reflexogenic erection is suspended.

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