A Legal Counsel Vertaling

A Legal Counsel Vertaling

Common short sentences: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200 This is confirmed by qualified legal counsel Results: 780. Exactly: 780. Elapsed time: 168 ms. He has the right to be assisted by a lawyer for this purpose. The interviewee may be assisted by a representative of the entity concerned or by a lawyer. An external expert opinion of RAUE LLP has been submitted to an external legal adviser of the Land of Brandenburg and the Ministry of Brandenburg is preparing an internal report. The applicability of credit protection in all relevant jurisdictions is confirmed by qualified legal counsel, the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, the Legal Counsel. Communication between the suspect or accused person and his or her lawyer should be interpreted in accordance with this Directive. These sentences come from external sources and may not be correct. Bab.la is not responsible for this content. The suspect or accused person or his lawyer may make a reasoned request.

Submission of a due diligence letter (letter of advice on factual issues) by the other party to outside counsel.

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